Well I guess I’m not hiding how old I am anymore. This September I’ll turn 30, and I’m actually pretty excited about it. After the year that I had last year, I’m honestly just grateful for the ability to have another birthday and to continue to watch my family grow. I’ve done a lot of great things in the last 29 years, but there are still lots of things that I’d like to do in the next 6 months.
- Get back to my teaching roots (this is part of my big business plan for this year that I’m still keeping secret for now)
- Bake more (my husband’s office will probably benefit greatly from this)
- Complete a 10k (I haven’t run since I got sick last year, so this is a big one.)
- Go on a California road trip
- Have a girls’ trip with some of my friends
- Enroll Henry in preschool (this will actually help the rest of my goals get accomplished)
- Visit Hawaii for the first time ever
- Learn to hand letter for real
- Take time each week to craft
- Have more Google Group Chats with my college friends
- Schedule a legitimate date night once a month
- Finish my family yearbooks for 2017, 2016, and 2015 (yes, I’m a little behind)
- Finish the Winnie the Pooh quilt I started for Henry before he was born…
- Take Henry on his first camping trip
- Volunteer with Will
- Send one snail mail letter a week
- Build my vegetable garden and learn to rotate the crop
- Photograph a super special and secret session (I promise I’ll share once it’s happened)
- Journal every day
- Read the entire Harry Potter series again
- Visit a national park I’ve never been to
- Host more summer patio parties
- Take one day a week for legitimate rest (no work, no email, no editing, nothing)
- Meal prep on Sundays
- See one movie a month
- Learn how to do basic maintenance on my bike
- Build a “learning tower” for Henry
- Share my full mental health story
- Take Henry to downtown Chicago for the first time (we have always left him in the suburbs if we go)
- Take more photographs of our daily life
I hope to accomplish as many of these as I can before September 4th! However, I’ve learned not to push myself to exhaustion. I need to find balance and listen to my body. With that said, I’ll be working hard to make these 30 things happen and I’ll check back in September!
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